Draw something is only becoming better and advanced for users. This has increased the number of players since draw something 2 hit the market in the U.S on April this year. The game was launched and advertised on app store where most users visit for free game apps. Now everyone can participate in the game and play with friends who are across thousands of miles away. The founder of draw something OMGPOP said that this would increase funs and popularity for the game. It is also an alternative of teaching young minds new words while having fun at the same time.
Since Zynga took over the brand, there has been new changes in the market and in the software as well. However, this has only enhanced the game morale with new draw something 2 letter word. There are new features that have been introduced in the game, which has made it possible for players to chart and share gallery. This means that the game is also a social network where you can invite more guests and follow up on other participants of the game as well.
The advantage of this feature this is that you can invite your favorite player for a game at any time and wait for their feedback. You can also create a timer for yourself that indicates when you are available and when you are not. With the previous version for the draw something, it was impossible for one to save his or her drawings and once your log off from the internet you lose your drawings for good. In this case, Zynga has invented an alternative for you to freeze your game or exit after saving it manually. You can choose to do this manually or automatically depending on how you have set your settings.
Draw something 2 is now available worldwide.
The game is now available on app store. This makes it more interesting for users since they can join the game from any corner of the world. You can also use your Facebook account to find users who are part of the game. Connection using social networks makes it easy for players to share their gallery and even share contacts.
The old version of draw something was mostly played by players from Sweden and Canada. This is due to the fact that the game originated from Sweden and made a name for its self on the Application stores. The aim of designing draw something 2 was to target the market in different stores. This made it possible for players to access the game from their smartphones and computers.
In the recent time, draw something has become versatile and rich in words. There are over a thousand new words available for drawing and solving. This makes it more interesting for players since you can play the game alone either online or offline.
Due to security measures, draw something 2 letter words has a restriction mode feature which comes in pretty handy. This feature keeps your gallery and contacts disguised until you deactivate your restriction mode. You can apply this when you do not want your friends to get a glimpse of your poor drawings.